Body fat percentage calculator

It is generally accepted that fat in the human body is bad, and it is imperative to get rid of it. This is true when it comes to excess fat, especially visceral fat (in the abdominal cavity, around the internal organs). But in moderation, adipose tissue is not only useful for the body, but also irreplaceable. Without it, the work of the brain, muscles, joints, digestive and endocrine systems is impossible. And most importantly, fat is a powerful source of energy that protects the body from exhaustion and heat loss.
What percentage of body fat should I have
In 1 kilogram of adipose tissue, 7700 kilocalories of energy are stored, which is enough to maintain the viability of an adult's body for 3-4 days. Thus, subcutaneous (and, to a lesser extent, visceral) fat can be compared to a “battery” that is always with us and protects the body from exhaustion even in the absence of nutrition.
But with an excess of adipose tissue, its advantages are offset by disadvantages: metabolic disorders, hormonal disruptions, increased stress on the heart, etc. Therefore, it is important to maintain an optimal balance and prevent obesity, which can disrupt the functioning of all vital systems. To do this, there are special methods that allow you to determine and control the percentage of fat in the body:
- Bioimpedance analysis. When a weak electric current is passed through the human body, its resistance is measured, which differs markedly in adipose tissue and all other tissues of the body. The method is absolutely painless, but requires financial expenses and a trip to the clinic.
- Using a caliper. This is a special tool that measures the thickness of skin folds in different parts of the body: on the sides, abdomen, back, hips, etc. The data obtained is compared with special tables and allows you to find out approximate body fat content.
- Lyle McDonald formula calculation Only suitable for untrained, non-strength athletes. The method takes into account the body mass index (BMI), which is calculated as m/h², where m is body weight (in kilograms) and h is height (in meters). The resulting BMI result is checked against the table (different for men and women), and shows the percentage of body fat.
These are the most common ways to determine the percentage of adipose tissue in the body, but far from the only ones. An alternative option is to use special online calculators that quickly calculate the desired percentage from the entered data, and with a fairly high accuracy. Regardless of which method you use, the result will be classified as follows.
For men:
- Less than 6% is depletion.
- 6 to 13% is athletic.
- From 14 to 17% - good physical shape, but with a little obesity in problem areas (most often the abdomen).
- 18 to 25% is normal/average fitness.
- 25 to 40% overweight
- More than 40% are obese.
For women:
- Less than 10-14% is depletion.
- 14 to 20% is athletic.
- 21 to 24% is in good physical shape.
- 25 to 30% is a normal/medium shape.
- 30 to 45% overweight
- More than 45% are obese.
According to studies, a woman's body has an average of 5-10% more adipose tissue than a man's body, which approximately corresponds to the criteria described above.
Interesting facts
- In an adult human body, there are between 10 and 30 billion fat cells, the size of which does not exceed 120 micrometers (millionths of a meter).
- Fats can act as an absorbent for soluble vitamins, and absorb them in bulk. Therefore, vitamin complexes and vitamin-containing foods (berries, fruits, vegetables) are recommended to be consumed separately from fatty foods.
- The work of the human central nervous system is impossible without the presence of fats in the body. So, they are necessary for the formation of a special substance - myelin, which is an insulator for the electrical impulses of the brain and nerve cells.
Summing up, we can say that fats are no less important for a person than proteins and carbohydrates. The main thing is to maintain an optimal balance of BJU, and exclude trans fats contained in margarine, chips, various convenience foods, and fast food from your diet. And natural animal and vegetable fats should be consumed in limited quantities. As for subcutaneous and visceral fat, which is mostly synthesized from fast carbohydrates, its amount can be controlled using special tables and online calculators, in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity.